The Annual General Meeting of SSAA Blue Hills Sporting Shooters Club will be held Sunday August 22nd 2021 at the BHSSC Club Room, Blue Hills Road, Copping commencing at 1:00pm.

Please note: COVID restrictions mean that attendees are required to check in using the Check In Tas app.
The AGM is an event that requires social distancing and seating will be allocated accordingly.

There may be additional government restrictions applied (e.g. masks) depending on the COVID situation closer to the date of the meeting. Members will be notified of any changes.

In the event the AGM is not able to proceed due to COVID restrictions, members will be advised and another date proposed, or we may elect to hold the meeting as a video conference event using Zoom.

As per the Constitution the ordinary business of the AGM shall conduct the following:

(i) to confirm the minutes of the last preceding Annual General Meeting;

(ii) to receive from the Committee, Auditor and Officers of SSAA BHSSC reports upon the transactions of SSAA BHSSC during the last preceding year;

(iii) to elect the Officers of SSAA BHSSC;

(iv) to elect the ordinary members of the Committee; and

(v) to appoint the Auditor

The Annual General Meeting may transact special business of which notice is given in accordance with rule 12(f).

Rule 12(f) All items of special business must be lodged with the secretary not later than thirty five (35) days prior to the date set for the meeting.

If you wish to nominate for a Committee position please download the nomination form here:
and return fully completed to the Secretary no later than close of business July 31st 2021.
By Mail: PO Box 400, Sorell TAS 7172
By Email: [email protected]
or using the Contact Form below.

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